A WINNING SUCCESS STORY - Bluestone Financial
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July 7, 2020 | Memo

We’ve spent the past three decades thinking about how people can successfully invest and achieve their financial goals. Our research led us to a winning success formula that we illustrate with just four simple schematics:

  1. THE BLUESTONE HIERARCHY OF WEALTH & WELL-BEING illustrates wealth & well-being and how the two work together as one; seven ways to manage your money to achieve five financial goals and then use your wealth to live well.
  2. THE BLUESTONE PROCESS FOR WEALTH & WELL-BEING illustrates our five-step process for helping clients successfully secure wealth and enjoy well-being.
  3. THE POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY FLOWER illustrates the six elements of well-being.
  4. MASLOW’S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS provides historical background and intellectual depth.

Put these four schematics together and you have a simple, practical, and powerful answer to “How to Be Rich”.

You can read all about it in our booklet “How To Be Rich”, free on our website, or just ask us for a copy.

This is exciting. This is what gets us up in the morning. Imagine. We really do have an answer to “how to be rich”. And together we can show our loved ones how to be rich.

This memo was prepared solely by Terry and Patty Rempel who are registered representatives of FundEX (a member of the Mutual Funds Dealers Association of Canada and the MFDA Investor Protection Corporation). The views and opinions, including any recommendations, expressed in this memo are those of Terry and Patty Rempel. Bluestone Financial is a personal trade name of Terry and Patty Rempel.

Wealth and Well-being. Be rich.

Free e-Booklet
How To Be Rich

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"How to be Rich” e-Booklet
